Mayor Linda Lucassen

eService Request                                   

Related Contacts 

CenCom E9-1-1
Public Safety Communications Center
911 N. Lotus Drive
Round Lake Beach, IL 60073
(847) 270-9111 Non-Emergency Dispatch
(847) 270-9121 Office
(847) 270-9115 Fax

Round Lake Park Police Department 

Non-Emergency Number 

215 E. Main Street 

(847) 546-7275 Office 

(847) 546-7291 Fax

Resource Links

THIS IS FOR NON-EMERGENCY SERVICE REQUESTS                                        EMERGENCY DIAL 911                       
The Village of Round Lake Park has implemented a system to respond to residential service requests. The Online Request for Service Form found below allows visitors to request information, submit requests for service, or submit general questions and comments. Residents may also call in the request for service to the Village Office at (847)546-2790. For non-emergency, after hour requests for service, please contact the Public Safety Communications Center at (847)270-9111. 

DO NOT use this form for issues requiring an immediate response. Please contact the Village Hall, police non-emergency, or after-hours non-emergency numbers for immediate assistance.